Pro Ox service laboratory offers high-quality radioimmunoassay analyses for reliable quantification of oxidative stress and inflammation, using our own well-proven eicosanoids antibodies. Please see below for the analyses currently offered.



Test compound ID: F2-isoprostane (8-iso-PGF2alpha)

Biomarker characteristics: Marker of free radical mediated lipid peroxidation in vivo and currently considered as the most reliable and powerful biomarker of oxidative stress (see selected publications).

Methodology: Radioimmunoassay, Basu (PLEFA, 1998)

Minimum sample required: Urine: 50 µl; Plasma: 500 µl; Microdialysis fluid: 50 µl; Other body fluids: Consult Pro Ox service laboratory

Container: Plastic or eppendorf vial

Preservative: No preservative

Consultation: Professor Samar Basu



Test compound ID: Prostaglandin metabolite (15-keto-dihydro-PGF2alpha)

Biomarker characteristics: Marker of cyclooxygenase-mediated lipid peroxidation and currently considered as a reliable and robust biomarker of acute and chronic inflammation, and also luteolysis/Corpus Luteum regression (see selected publications and refs. therein).

Minimum sample required: Urine: 50 µl; Plasma: 500 µl; Microdialysis fluid: 50 µl; Other body fluids: Consult Pro Ox service laboratory

Container: Plastic or eppendorf vial

Preservative: No preservative

Consultation: Professor Samar Basu


Use the contact form and specify the type of analysis you are interested in, the number of samples and the time-frame of the project and we will get back to you with a quote.


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