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9. Kadiiska, M.B., B. C. Gladen, D. B. Baird, L. B. Graham, C. E. Parker, A. B. N. Ames, S. Basu, G. A. Fitzgerald, J. A. Lawson, L. J. Marnett, J. D. Morrow, D. M. Murray, J. Plastaras, L. J. Roberts, M. K. Shigenaga, J. Sun, P. B. Walter, K. B. Tomer, J. C. Barrett and R. P. Mason. III. Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress Study: Effect of NSAIDs Indomethacin and Meclofenamic acid on Measurements of Oxidative Products of Lipids in CCl4 Poisoning. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2005, 38, 711-718.


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11. Basu S. Novel cyclooxygenase-catalysed bioactive prostaglandin F2alpha from physiology to new principles in inflammation. Medicinal Research Reviews 2007, 27, 435-468.


12. Basu S. F2-Isoprostanes in human health and diseases: From molecular mechanisms to clinical implications. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 2008, 10, 1405-1434.


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